How to have the perfect summer road trip - tips from famous Sprinter Van owners
Summer is here, so it's time to plan your vacation. We asked some of the most famous Sprinter Camper Van owners on Instagram to share their tips for the perfect American summer road trip.

1. Use iOverlander app to find free camping.
2. Load Gas Guru. It has saved us so much on fuel costs.
3. Watch the rpms and find where your van works best. If we drive 60mph we get 26mpg, if we go 75 mph we only get 18mpg.
4. Have some fun before starting a drive. We learned that if we get up and drive right away, we probably won't do anything fun that day.
5. If you find a killer campsite , stick around for a couple days. Same goes for when you meet awesome people.

The 170 Sprinter I find is the largest vehicle that you can relatively easily find parking for in most locations. Anything larger than this and I think in certain situations it would be a struggle. The 170 I find I can use most standard parkings lots and never feel as though I am out of place.

You've got flexibility when you're traveling in a Sprinter — take advantage! We've found ourselves adapting our plans, like by driving further at the end of the day, or by staying an extra day somewhere. Basically, you don't have to be glued to your plans when you can pretty much camp anywhere you can park. When we make a decision to do something off our initial plan, we call it "pushing off the rocks." It always turns out to be a good idea, or an adventure at least. When you're willing to let go of your idea of what an experience is supposed to be, you can let it be whatever it really is.

My #1 road trip tip would be to realize that the destination isn't the whole trip. There is so much good stuff hidden along the way. We find great food and wonderfull people and bookmark future adventures by making sure to embrace the journey, not just make a B line to the destination.